IntelliSee Supports Integrators at NSCA’s 2021 Pivot to Profit

Selected as a participating sponsor, IntelliSee joins NSCA at the business transformation conference on September 21-22 in Atlanta.

IntelliSee is proud to support NSCA and its integrator community at the 6th annual Pivot to Profit (P2P) business transformation conference.

NSCA (National Systems Contractors Association), the leading not-for-profit association representing the commercial integration industry, will host Pivot to Profit on September 21-22, 2021, at the Atlanta Airport Marriott in Atlanta, GA.

P2P is a unique business conference. It is entirely focused on helping integrators elevate their business by embracing emerging technologies that are in step with customers’ evolving needs. As the industry battles through the pandemic recovery, the value integration companies offer customers has never been higher. Integrators are at a critical pivot point—the timing of 2021 P2P will help companies position themselves for long-term success.

IntelliSee was chosen by NSCA to be part of the strategic discussions at P2P.

“NSCA chooses its member manufacturers carefully,” says NSCA Executive Director Tom LeBlanc. “We only want to work with companies that support the integration channel and provide solutions that our member integration companies can trust. Meanwhile, the threshold for those members that sponsor Pivot to Profit is also extremely high. The 2021 P2P sponsors align with the NSCA community’s goal to continually evolve the value they offer customers.”

The 2021 P2P theme is Stay Relevant, Stay Ahead. IntelliSee is proud to help NSCA integrators with those objectives.

2021 Pivot to Profit Discussion Topics

  • How to Lead Through Business Transformation
  • New Opportunities with Today’s Technologies
  • Financial Leadership: Navigating Post-Pandemic
  • Legal Guidance: Prevailing Wage, Subcontractors, Cybersecurity & More
  • RMR: As-a-Service, Managed Services & Strategies
  • Networked Solutions that Differentiate and Drive Revenue
  • Integrators’ Evolving Role in School Security
  • Becoming Relevant to the “Digital-First” Buyer
  • Business Model Optimization
  • Insights from the Experts: Moving Business Forward

P2P will bring together 200 attendees from firms across the United States and Canada: both from the communications/AV integration community and the security life safety integration community. They will learn about new technology delivery methods and the emerging technologies that will have the most impact on the future.

IntelliSee encourages our valued integrators to:

  1. Explore becoming an NSCA member and benefiting from all the resources offered by the integration industry’s leading trade association. Learn more here:
  2. Join us at the 2021 P2P! Register here:

About IntelliSee

IntelliSee is an AI risk mitigation platform helping businesses, schools, hospitals, and others strengthen their approach to organizational safety. IntelliSee’s capabilities improve situational awareness and risk detection while dramatically improving response times. Learn more about how the IntelliSee platform continues to expand and evolve at

About NSCA

The National Systems Contractors Association is a powerful advocate for all who work in the integration industry, including systems contractors/integrators, product manufacturers, consultants, sales representatives, architects, specifying engineers and other allied professionals. NSCA is dedicated to serving its contractor members and all channel stakeholders through advocacy, education, member services, and networking designed to improve business performance. For more information visit

About P2P

In 2013, NSCA learned from a Harvard Professor the “pivoting” business strategy. The primary lesson is one of quickly adapting your business to change without disruption of existing revenue streams or other profit centers. Based on this concept, P2P was born out of concern for the members and our commitment to show strong leadership utilizing our abundant resources. P2P is a roadmap that illustrates our dedication and ability to improve business success by sharing strategic and tactical experiences and knowledge with every involved stakeholder group. NSCA’s goal is to create a meaningful and powerful event that will help integrators implement the most appropriate and effective technologies in a way that their clients prefer and in a profitable manner.